2015, A great vintage for our Mondeuse

Hot and sunny summer give great reds. On the Cruet and Arbin hillsides the Mondeuse grapes reach perfection.  The medals and distinctions are here to prove it :

– Concours Général agricole de PARIS :   MONDEUSE  ARBIN                                              2015                Bronze medal

– Concours des Grands Vins de France Mâcon :  MONDEUSE  ARBIN                                    2015               Silver medal

– La Revue du Vin de France (RVF June 2016) : MONDEUSE  ARBIN                                   2015               15.5/20

RVF 2016 A

Bee’s swarm on Mondeuse grape

On the Estate we continue our efforts to reduce phytosanitary product. The results are already visible, the soils are aerated and the vineyard is full of life. This balance between vine and his environment is the key for a sustainable viticulture.


Crémant de Savoie

Crémant de Savoie

Just born before the end of the year, the Crémant de Savoie is now available. Idylle Domain is proud to present this new vintage.
Come to Cruet to descover this new delight effervescent wine.

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